If you would like to become a member of the Deep Space Exploration Society, our membership dues are $20 per year for a non-voting member, and $50 per year for a voting member. The membership dues are paid for each calendar year. The dues help cover our expenses to develop the Plishner radio telescope site, and to develop our activities. With membership, you will receive our regular announcement emails. You can participate in our activities, and insurance will cover you while you are at our antenna site (but please continue to be safe).
Voting members elect the organization’s Board of Directors at the beginning of each year. There are 7 Board Members, serving for two year terms. One year will elect four Board Members, the next year will elect three. After the new Board of the year is in place, the Board then elects the four executive officers for the year. The President, Vice President, and Treasurer are elected from among the Board Members. The Secretary may be elected from a non-Board member.
You can pay us by mailing a check to our business address, payable to DSES, at:
4164 Austin Bluffs Parkway #562
Colorado Springs, CO 80918 USA
PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR CURRENT MAILING ADDRESS, EMAIL ADDRESS AND CONTACT PHONE NUMBER. Also let us know if you DO NOT want this info to be released to the general membership. Otherwise we would like to pass the membership information containing email addresses and phone numbers out to all members.
You can also pay us online with credit card or with a PayPal account at this PayPal link.
- Please select the amount you choose to pay, $20 or $50, for your membership.
- Then please send us an email at the address below, or a regular letter, to let us know your payment is for membership and to let us know your contact information. And please let us know if you would like your contact information to be shared with the rest of the membership in our annual roster.
For questions regarding membership and payments, you can contact the DSES treasurer at dsestm{at}gmail.com.
- Revised December 15, 2020 (GCA)