September 2, 2017 – Drift Scan – Cygnus A search [60 Foot Antenna – Archive]
[September 2, 2017 – October 20, 2017] Drift Scan
The technique of “Drift Scan” is just keeping the antenna pointed in one fixed direction, while the sky passes overhead as the Earth turns. Rather than track a particular object, the sky is passively scanned, as the sky “drifts” across.The technique of “Drift Scan” is just keeping the antenna pointed in one fixed direction, while the sky passes overhead as the Earth turns. Rather than track a particular object, the sky is passively scanned, as the sky “drifts” across.
Current Drift Scan with antenna set to an elevation 2.5° north of zenith (92.5° from south horizon), azimuth along meridian. As the Earth rotates, scans a complete strip of sky at 41° Declination. Measurements:Current Drift Scan with antenna set to an elevation 2.5° north of zenith (92.5° from south horizon), azimuth along meridian. As the Earth rotates, scans a complete strip of sky at 41° Declination. Measurements:
Total power measurement @ 1428 MHz, beam size 2°
Neutral hydrogen spectral line measurement
Search for radio source Cygnus A (19h 58m RA, 41° Dec.) and the Milky Way galactic plane. (Click image for detail.)
60-foot radio telescope dish antenna set to an elevation 2.5° north of zenith.60-foot radio telescope dish antenna set to an elevation 2.5° north of zenith.