These are photos taken during our work trip the Plishner radio telescope site on Sunday July 23, 2017. – Gary WA2JQZ
Ray Uberecken AA0L and Steve Plock KL7IZW reinstalled Ray’s 3-band antenna feed at the focus of the 60-foot dish. Bill Miller KC0FHN and Gary Agranat WA2JQZ helped from the ground.
An all-day project today was the rebuilding of the “Radio Jove” phased dipole antenna. The first version had been constructed with PVC pipe masts, but that was collapsing. Dave Molter AD0QD redesigned a new antenna support system, using surplus stainless steel pipes, and adding springs and pulleys. Last autumn the bases for the poles had been already set with concrete. Today most of the team helped rebuild the antenna at one time or another. The placement of the structural support ropes was carefully rethought. Floyd Glick WD0CUJ fastened all the knots. Here is the result. This antenna system is used to monitor radio pulses emitted from Jupiter and its moon Io at 20 MHz. These pulses are among the strongest astronomical signals observable.
Ed Corn KC0TBE contributed with much facilities work. Here he is installing a small solar panel to charge the 12 volt batteries at the generator. With him is Floyd Glick WD0CUJ.
Ed Johnson AD5MQ walked around the 60 foot antenna with a UHF signal source.Inside the communications trailer, Ray Uberecken AA0L monitored how the signal was received.Ed Johnson AD5MQEd Johnson AD5MQBill Miller KC0FHN constructed a ventilation fan to the side of the communications trailer. The fan is self-powered by a solar electric panel. Its purpose is to help exhaust the hot air that builds up in the trailer during the summer season. It turns on automatically whenever the sun is out. Bill first cut a wood mounting frame to place on a window opening, to mount the fan.Bill KC0FHN installing the fan at the side of the trailer.Bill KC0FHN installing the fan at the side of the trailer.Ed KC0TBE meanwhile installed a new air filter for the trailer, to help the air flow for Bill’s vent fan.Inside view of the new trailer ventilator fan.The new small solar panel on the roof is to power the ventilator fan.The ventilator fan, installed by the end of the day.
The propane fuel tank for our generator.Our generator shack.