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Month: September 2016
2016-09-10 Plishner Site Work Party Report
Science Update 9-14-16
The multi-band feed provides new capability for the Deep Space Exploration Society. This system provides both radio astronomy and radio communications capability.
Science Update 9-3-16
Radio Jove and SuperSID Data and Analysis Reports
Attached are the August reports for the Radio Jove, located at Plishner, and the SuperSID, which is located at my house.
1) The Radio Jove observing season is closing down with only an hour of observing time a day after sunset. We did get a couple of probable hits.
2) SuperSID did detect an M1.3 flare on 8 August. I also conducted a comparison of the Radio Jove results and the SuperSID results. I found no significant correlation between the two telescopes. The lightning storms this month also affected both telescopes by adding a lot of spurious signals.
I have been in contact with the Radio Jove NASA coordinator. He likes what we are doing and has provided information to improve our Radio Jove system.
DSES SuperSID Results August 2016
DSES Plishner Radio Jove Results August 2016
Dr. Rich Russel
DSES VP and Science Coordinator