REASONS, a poem by Larry Maurice

I thought this might give a nice change of pace, and also be appropriate and fun. – Gary

By Larry Maurice

Why do we do what we do?
Why is it done by so few?
The answer is vague, but maybe today
I’ll try and explain it to you

We do it for the FUN!
To watch the rising sun
To see the sparrow and the hawk on high at play
To watch the mountains rise from inside a darkened sky
To feel the muscle of the earth at the break of day

Great grey granite peaks
The place where your own spirit speaks
In a language that you interpret as you choose
We do it because we know that no matter how it goes
Life is not about the goods that you win or lose

We do it because we are never at our best
When we are setting down at rest,
Like those who only sit and plan and plan
But we are most at ease
When we are part of the breeze
Pitting ourselves and our stock against the land

In our life the job is never done
We always need another sun
It’s just handled for the moment
And we thrive on life’s hard rules
And we are often spoke as fools
But in the hardest job well done
There is contentment

Most of us take great pride
In the work
And the ride
And in the smugness of being where we want to be

I hope all of you
Need and love the work you do
And if not
It’s never too late
To set the Cowboy in you free.

Grassy Lake, Jackson Meadow, 1991

This poem appeared in a guide to learn CW (Morse Code) by Ron Stark KU7Y, distributed by QRP Amateur Radio Club International.