November 20, 2019
To all Deep Space Exploration Society (DSES) Current and Former Members:
November marks the start of our 2020 membership dues drive. Our organization relies on annual membership dues to fund most all of the DSES projects at our Paul Plishner Radio Astronomy and Space Sciences Center near Haswell, CO. Annual dues for voting members, continues to be $50.00. For those who wish to be involved as non-voting members the price is $20.00. Annual elections of board members/officers will be in February. You must be current on your dues to vote in these elections.
You can pay your dues on the DSES web site (DSES.science) by credit card or PayPal to email: dsestm(at)gmail.com. You can also mail dues to the following addresses: DSES, 4164 Austin Bluffs Parkway, Box 562, Colorado Springs, CO 80916-0562. Your canceled check, Paypal receipt or credit receipt will be your acknowledgement of your dues paid. If you want a separate receipt signifying payment, please note that with your payment and I will mail you a receipt. PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR CURRENT MAILING ADDRESS, EMAIL ADDRESS AND CONTACT PHONE NUMBER. Let me know if you DO NOT want this info to be released to the general membership. I would like to pass this membership information containing email addresses and phone numbers out to all members. ” And don’t forget to review all the latest reports, work trips and science studies on the DSES.Science website to see all that the organization has accomplished with the help of your dues.”
If you have any questions concerning your membership status, please feel free to email, text, or call me.
Thank You;
Myron F. Babcock DSES Treasurer ,