2020-06-22 DSES Science Meeting
Notes by Bill Miller.
Science Presentation by Dr. Rich Russel.
We had 19 participants in the virtual science meeting, a new record.
Dr. Rich Russel, Ray Uberecken, Myron Babcock, Don Latham, Bascombe Wilson, Ted Cline, Jon Richardson KU4PEH, Ed Corn, Storm Quant (Kevin Shoemaker), Jay Wilson, Glenn Davis, Gary Agranat, Dave Molter, Dave Schick, Bob Haggart, Jim Madsen K3ILC, Bob Sayers, Tony Bigbee, Bill Miller
Plishner site trip summary of 6-20-20:
Ray Uberecken , Bob Haggart and Bill Miller went to the Plishner site on Sat. June 20. See notes in Site trip report.
Covid-19 Policy:
Once again, we want to remind everyone to read our policy on Covid-19 on the webpage concerning meeting and going to the site. In summary; If you have had the virus or have had symptoms or been closely exposed to a positive person you should let us know and self-isolate from the group and others for 14 days and not meet of go to the site.
SARA east conference
Rich is the SARA east conference coordinator. The August conference is virtual and is $20 to participate on Sat-Sun Aug 1st and 2nd.
Rich’s science presentation on Pulsar detection:
Much of the discussion was focused on understanding our pulsar observation and on what we can do improve our ability.
Zoom Meeting Recording
Date: Jun 22, 2020 05:08 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
Password: 9x@t3pt*